
(Annex) Provisions on Referendums in Hungary's Old and New Constitution[1] (IAS, 2013/4., 77-80. o.)

Act XX of 1949Fundamental Law of Hungary
The Constitution of the Republic of Hungary(25 April 2011)
Article 2.Article B.
(2) In the Republic of Hungary supreme(3) The source of public power shall be the
power is vested in the people, who exercisepeople.
their sovereign rights directly and through(4) The power shall be exercised by the
elected representatives.people through elected representatives or,
in exceptional cases, directly.
Article 26.
(6) The President of the Republic shall ratify
the law subject to national referendum
if such law is confirmed by the national
Article 28/B.[See Article 8(2).]
(1) The subject of national referenda or
popular initiatives may fall under the
jurisdiction of the Parliament.
(2) A majority of two-thirds of the votes of
the Members of Parliament present shall
be required for the Parliament to pass the
law on national referenda and popular
Article 28/C.Article 8
(1) A national referendum may be held for(1) Parliament shall order a national
reaching a decision or for an expressionreferendum at the initiative of at least
of opinion. Carrying out a nationaltwo hundred thousand voters. Parliament
referendum may be mandatory or may bemay order a national referendum at the
the result of the consideration of a matter.initiative of the President of the Republic,
(2) A national referendum shall be held ifthe Government or one hundred thousand
so initiated by at least 200,000 votingvoters. The decision made by a valid and
citizens.conclusive referendum shall be binding on
(3) If a national referendum is mandatory,Parliament.
the result of the successfully held national(2) National referendums may be held
referendum shall be binding for theabout any matter within the tasks and
Parliament.competences of Parliament.
(4) Based on its consideration, the Parliament
may order a national referendum upon the
initiative by the President of the Republic,
the Government, by one-third of Members
of the Parliament or by 100,000 voting
(5) National referendum may not be held on(3) No national referendum may be held on:
the following subjects:a) any matter aimed at the amendment of
a) on laws on the central budget, thethe Fundamental Law;
execution of the central budget, taxesb) the contents of the Acts on the State
to the central government and duties,Budget, the implementation of the
customs tariffs, and on the centralState Budget, central taxes, duties,
government conditions for local taxes,contributions, customs duties and the
b) obligations set forth in valid internationalcentral conditions for local taxes;
treaties and on the contents of lawsc) the contents of the Acts on the elections
prescribing such obligations,of Members of Parliament, local
c) the provisions of the Constitutiongovernment representatives and
on national referenda and popularmayors, and Members of the European
d) personnel and restructuringd) any obligation arising from international
(reorganization, termination)treaties;
matters falling under Parliamentarye) personal matters and matters concerning
jurisdiction,the establishment of organisations
e) dissolution of the Parliament,within the competence of Parliament;
f) the Government's program,f) the dissolution of Parliament;
g) declaration of a state of war, a state ofg) the dissolution of a representative body;
emergency or a state of national crisis,h) the declaration of a state of war, state of
h) use of the Armed Forces abroad ornational crisis and state of emergency,
within the country,and on the declaration or extension of a
i) dissolution of the representative body ofstate of preventive defence;
local governments,i) any matter related to participation in
j) amnesty.military operations;
j) the granting of general amnesty.
(6) A national ratification referendum shall(4) A national referendum shall be valid if
be considered successful if more thanmore than half of all voters have cast valid
half of the votes of the citizens voting arevotes, and it shall be conclusive if more
valid, but at least more than one-quarterthan half of those voting validly have
of all eligible voters have given the samegiven the same answer to the question.
answer in the referendum.
Article 28/D.
At least 50,000 voting citizens are required
for a national popular initiative. A national
popular initiative may be for the purpose
of forcing the Parliament to place a subject
under its jurisdiction on the agenda. The
Parliament shall debate the subject defined
by the national popular initiative.
Article 28/E.
In order to call a national referendum,
signatures may be collected for a period of
four months in the case of a civic initiative,
and for a period of two months in the case of
a national popular initiative.
Article 30/A.Article 9.
(1) The President of the Republic shall -(3) The President of the Republic: [...]
d) announce general parliamentary andd) may initiate national referendums;
local government elections, mayorale) shall set a date for the general
elections as well as the dates of theelections of Members of Parliament,
European parliamentary elections andlocal government representatives
national referenda;and mayors, and of Members of the
g) have the right to initiate nationalEuropean Parliament, and for national
referenda; [...]referendums; [...]
Article 44.Article 31.
(1) Eligible voters exercise the right to local(2) A local referendum may be held on any
government through the representativematter within the responsibilities and
body that they elect and by way of localcompetences of local governments as
referendum.defined by law.
Article 70.Article XXIII.
(1) All adult Hungarian citizens residing in(7) Everyone having the right to vote in
the territory of the Republic of Hungaryelections of Members of Parliament shall
have the right to be elected and the right tohave the right to participate in national
vote in Parliamentary elections; they havereferendums. Everyone having the right
the right, furthermore, to participate into vote in elections of local government
national referenda and popular initiatives.representatives and mayors shall have the
(2) All adult Hungarian citizens residing inright to participate in local referendums.
the territory of the Republic of Hungary
and all adult citizens of other Member
States of the European Union who reside
in the territory of the Republic of Hungary
shall have the right to be elected in local
ballots for the election of representatives
and mayors; they shall have the right
to vote, provided that they are in the
territory of the Republic of Hungary on
the day of the election or referendum,
and, furthermore, to participate in local
referenda and popular initiatives. [...]
(3) All adult persons holding refugee,
immigrant or permanent resident status
in the Republic of Hungary shall have
the right to vote in local ballots for the
election of representatives and mayors,
provided that they are in the territory of
the Republic of Hungary on the day of the
election or referendum, and furthermore
to participate in local referenda or popular


[1] Last effective version of Act XX of 1949, the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary and the first effective version of the Basic Law of Hungary (25 April 2011) as entered into force on 1 January 2012. Both current official translations are available on the website of the Hungarian Parliament: and (accessed 18 October 2013); the Basic Law of Hungary is denominated as "The Fundamental Law of Hungary".


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