Identifying constitutional identity is a one of the most important debates today within the European Union. That is not suprising since Article 4.2 of the Treaty on European Union prescribes for the Union to respect it and as such, it has became a part - or even the epicenter - of the legal disputes where national constitutional law collides with an obligation, stemming from the membership of the European Union.
But what does it mean for the stakeholders? Who shall make a finaly word on this question? How can national and European identity be reconciled? We had such problems in mind when we came up with the idea to organize a conference that would focus on these questions with the aim to find some common dominators. In our point of view, there is no other way to do so but the way of an open dialogue. This is not just a mere slogan but, at least in Hungary, a legally binding principle formulated by the Constitutional Court in its Decision 22/2016.
As the present edition would demonstrate, our hopes went beyond of our expectations. The President of the Republic, the Minister of Justice, Presidents and other representatives of European constitutional courts and the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union had accepted our invitation to Budapest and the tourn-out was exactly that we wished to be: an honest discussion based on mutual respect. We may not have agreed on every aspects of the problem but one thing was clear: we do have a common starting point which means that we have a firm base to speak about issues that are of sensitive nature.
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