The evolution of legal terminology in Ukraine is crucial for maintaining clarity and efficacy within its legal system, encompassing both public and private law domains. This abstract explores the dynamic processes involved in sustaining and updating legal terminology amidst contemporary challenges, emphasizing its significance in ensuring precision and coherence in legal frameworks. It examines how Ukraine's integration efforts towards European standards necessitate the introduction and adaptation of legal terms to align with the acquis communautaire. Furthermore, the impact of external factors, such as ongoing conflict, on the evolution of legal terminology is discussed, highlighting the adaptive measures undertaken in response to wartime conditions. Through an analysis of legislative developments and scholarly discourse, this abstract underscores the role of legal terminology as a foundational element in safeguarding legal certainty, protecting rights, and promoting the harmonization of Ukrainian law with international norms.
Keywords: legal terminology, Ukraine, public law, private law, clarity, integration, European standards, acquis communautaire, legislative development, adaptation, conflict impact, legal certainty
Ukrajna jogi terminológiájának fejlődése kulcsfontosságú a köz és magánjogi területeket is magába foglaló jogrendszer tisztaságának és hatékonyságának
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fenntartásában. Jelen tanulmány bemutatja a jogi terminológia fenntartásával és megújításával kapcsolatos dinamikus folyamatokat a kortárs kihívások közepette, hangsúlyozva azok jelentőségét a jogi keretrendszerek pontosságának és összhangjának biztosításában. Vizsgálja, hogyan kényszerítik ki Ukrajna integrációs erőfeszítései az európai normákhoz való igazodás körében egyes jogi fogalmak bevezetését és adaptálását az acquis communautaire-rel összhangban. Emellett tárgyalja a külső tényezők, például a folyamatban lévő konfliktus hatását a jogi terminológia fejlődésére, kiemelve a háborús körülményekre adott, az alkalmazkodást elősegítő válaszokat. A jogalkotási fejlemények és a tudományos diskurzus elemzése révén a tanulmány bemutatja a jogi terminológia alapvető szerepét a jogbiztonság biztosításában, a jogok védelmében és az ukrán jog nemzetközi normákkal való harmonizációjának elősegítésében.
Kulcsszavak: jogi terminológia, Ukrajna, közjog, magánjog, érthetőség, integráció, európai normák, acquis communautaire, jogalkotási fejlemények, adaptáció, konfliktus hatása, jogbiztonság
At the current stage of developing an independent, democratic, legal, and social state and in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European community, the important issue of English terminology in legal discourse, particularly in administrative law, arises as never before. Developing unified terminological standards and normalizing and organizing them in accordance with European requirements is crucial. Moreover, the expansion of English administrative and legal terminology will pave the way for closer cooperation with European Union countries, both at the international state level and in business communication.
To confirm the above, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued an order «On the approval of the action plan aimed at promoting the study of English by citizens until 2020,» which clearly outlines the directions of activity regarding the study of English by general school students, master's and doctoral degree seekers, the creation of internet resources and necessary educational and methodological bases, participation in exchange programs, and the organization of language camps[1].
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Additionally, in 2015, the President of Ukraine issued a decree «On declaring 2016 the Year of the English Language in Ukraine,» which stated that English is the language of international communication. To promote its study to expand citizens' access to global economic, social, educational, and cultural opportunities provided by the knowledge and use of English, to ensure Ukraine's integration into the European political, economic, and scientific-educational space, and to support the Go Global program, which identifies the study of English as one of the priorities of the development strategy, the President outlined a range of tasks for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and regional and Kyiv city state administrations, aimed at a comprehensive and thorough approach to studying English by all segments of the population[2].
Moreover, in June 2024, the Parliament passed Bill No. 9432 on the use of the English language in Ukraine in its second reading. This step brings Ukraine closer to European Union membership and enhances the competitiveness of Ukrainian business, science, education, and government bodies. From now on, English acquires the status of a language of international communication in Ukraine[3].
Both domestic and foreign scholars, including N.V. Artykutsya, S.P. Holovaty, Yu.E. Zaitsev, T.P. Kravchenko, A.M. Lyashuk, V.M. Protasov, P.M. Rabinovich, O.A. Serbenska, V.M. Tertyshnyk, I.B. Usenko, A.A. Ushakov, and others, have studied this issue. However, despite the significant contributions of these scientists to the study of these scientific problems, they did not disclose the place and role of English administrative and legal terminology in modern administrative law of Ukraine, instead focusing on broader, specific, or related topical issues.
When considering English administrative and legal terminology in modern administrative law of Ukraine, it is necessary to pay attention to the definition of «term.» Linguists emphasize the structural and morphological characteristics of a lexical unit in the terminology system, noting that it can be both monolexemic and polylexemic units of nominative and verbal nature.
On the other hand, one of the characteristics of a lexical unit is its high informativeness, compactness, and unambiguity, while it also serves as a concise replacement for the corresponding expanded description or definition of a concept.
Scholar F.O. Tsitkina emphasizes the «territorial» limitation of terms, equating terms with professional vocabulary.
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However, it should be noted that each definition of a term shares the view that a term includes the property of being correlated with a concept, reality, object, or phenomenon of a specific field that it denotes, relating to a concrete concept, reality, object, and phenomenon.
We support F.A. Tsitkina's definition: «A term is a special word or phrase used to precisely express a concept from any field of knowledge - science, technology, socio-political life, art, jurisprudence, etc.»
M.B. Verbenets has thoroughly studied a similar issue in a more general form, considering that the national terminology system correlates with Ukraine's legal system and is defined as a sublanguage that reflects active processes and tendencies toward creating a legal system in the European space.
According to M.B. Verbenets, the national sublanguage of law has absorbed the term-concepts of the European legal tradition with its definitions and lexical equivalents, assimilated through direct contacts or with the participation of intermediary languages.
Researcher N.P. Yatsyshyn analyzed linguistic studies of domestic and foreign scientists and concluded that, on the one hand, there is significant intensity in the development of legal terminology over recent decades, related to the interpretation and globalization of world development. On the other hand, the establishment and differentiation of a separate linguistic field -legal linguistics - have occurred, within which all scientific developments of current legal terminology issues are concentrated today.
The legal terminology system of the Ukrainian language reflects the communicative needs of society by verbally representing a complex of legal concepts. Active processes in national legal terminology formation are identified in the trends of lexical-semantic enrichment of the terminological lexicon, which result from neosemantization, neologization, optimization of borrowings, and internationalization[4] .
Domestic scholar M.V. Zavalnyy in his dissertation research «Administrative Offense Proceedings Conducted by Internal Affairs Bodies» defined terms such as «administrative offense proceedings», «subject of proceedings», and «participant in proceedings»[5].
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Researcher O.M. Storozhenko justified the necessity of using the term «dominant position in the market» instead of «monopoly position in the market»[6]. Scholar from a related field of law S.P. Dobryansky in his dissertation research proposed, considering the necessity of scientific justification and improvement of the translation of several foreign terms on human rights into Ukrainian, the translation of English terms: the term "Universal Declaration" as «Всезагальна Декларація» (Universal Declaration), the term "Civil Rights" as «особові права» (personal rights); the phrase "Human Being" should not be translated in a literal sense (as «людська істота» - human being), but through the lens of existentialism, which emphasizes the uniqueness of individual human existence and the significance of their rights for this process, to be reflected in Ukrainian as «human-being» (human).
Researcher A.S. Zahorodniuk studied the fundamental legal term "legal," which evokes scientific interest due to the variety of its legal semantics. The use of this concept covers the entire spectrum of law fields. Depending on the functions and the sphere in which it is used, the term changes its meanings from narrower to broader and vice versa. Translators of legal texts must be prepared for the laborious and meticulous process of selecting a legally correct Ukrainian equivalent for this English concept. When translating the studied adjective into Ukrainian, attention should be paid to the context of its use as well as its main functions in the text. Referring to terminological reference books, it is also essenial to consider to which of the proposed dicionary groups the concept belongs, as this will help to find a single equivalent when translating it in identical contexts[7].
Researcher O.M. Voynich in her dissertation research systematized and structured theoretical approaches to the concepts of "government relations" and "public affairs," considering the domestic scientific contribution to the concepts of lobbying as a factor of political culture in society[8].
O.V. Rychko examined the problem of translating the adjective "public" in the context of "policy." In her opinion, there are three common translations of the term "public policy" into Ukrainian: public, societal, and state policy.
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At the same time, it is necessary to consider that the content of the term "public policy" is associated with the authoritative actions of state bodies. As O.V. Rychko believes (and we agree with her opinion), «societal policy» is not a successful translation option because societal (work, opinion) is often contrasted with state. Concerning public policy, this translation option in the Ukrainian language corresponds to only one of the meanings of "public" -"open to all." However, the openness of policy in democratic states does not exhaust all the essential characteristics of "public policy".
As we can see, many modern researchers have addressed the problem of translating foreign terminology regarding its interpretation and correct understanding. However, domestic scholars have not considered solving the problem of translation variations of administrative-legal terms in the administrative law of Ukraine. We find it appropriate to consider some terms and propose possible translation options.
In our opinion, attention should be paid to the term "public administration." On the one hand, it can be translated as state and regional management, on the other - public administration, and the third option - civil service. Importantly, the translation "state management" is a literal translation of the term "public administration" as it does not consider the concept of «public.»
We agree with O.O. Khodakovska's opinion that English legal terminology is quite challenging to translate due to significant differences between the legal systems of Ukraine and foreign countries. English terms are not identical to the normative concepts of the Ukrainian terminology system. The presence of institutions unique to the legal system of English-speaking countries and absent in Ukrainian leads to the emergence of such terminological units that do not have equivalents. Therefore, questions arise about the adequate translation of legal discourse and legal terminology contained in laws, agreements, requirements, and provisions[9].
Associate Professor N.P. Yatsyshyn notes that the functioning of legal terminology in Ukraine in all its dimensions (the process of law-making, speech culture of specialists, the implementation of established standards of legal terminology at the state level) indicates inconsistent use of terminological units, violations of the linguistic integrity of texts, literal translations from Russian, unsuccessful synonyms, lack of adequate legal concepts, low level
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of speech culture (use of Russianisms, dialectisms, Polonisms, etc.)[10]
To confirm the above, one can cite examples of many English legal terms that have synonymous counterparts in Ukrainian with both legal and non-legal meanings: damage - harm, (legal meaning), loss (general meaning); demand - (legal meaning), request (general meaning); authentically - (legal meaning), likely (general meaning); case - (legal meaning), ocassion (general meaning); protection - (legal meaning), defence (general meaning); security - (legal meaning), безпека, well-being (general meaning).
Additionally, when translating legal terms, it is important to consider the context in which they are used, for example: estate - (legal context), mansion; Land tenure (general context); brief - (legal context), summary (general context).
According to O.P. Zelenska, a characteristic feature of legal terminology in administrative law is the presence of set phrases such as within the jurisdiction - відповідно до юрисдикції, in one's capacity - у правоздатності, under sentence - за вироком. Typically, these phrases include prepositions: without delay - невідкладно, без зволікань, on a charge of - у звинуваченні, by implication - відповідним чином. Attention should be paid to abbreviations in English legal terminology. The word-formation activity of abbreviation in English legal terminology enables broad semantic possibilities.
Not only the names of institutions (e.g., C.M. - Court Martial ) and documents (e.g., C.P. - Code of Civil Procedure) but also the names of persons (e.g., deft. - defendant) and actions (e.g., H.T. - high treason) are abbreviated, which enhances the productivity of abbreviation.
Moreover, the Law of Ukraine «On the Nationwide Program for the Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to the Legislation of the European Union» establishes that adapting Ukrainian legislation to that of the European Union is a priority component of Ukraine's integration process into the European Union, which in turn is a priority direction of Ukrainian foreign policy. Ukraine's state policy on legislative adaptation is formed as part of the legal reform in Ukraine and is aimed at ensuring unified approaches to legislative drafting, mandatory consideration of the requirements of European Union legislation during legislative drafting, training qualified specialists, and creating proper conditions for the institutional, scientific, educational, legislative, technical, and financial support of the legislative adaptation process.
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The significance of legal terminology in private law cannot be overstated, particularly given that legal terminology itself constitutes its fundamental element. Legal language serves as a powerful tool in legislation and legal application, not only describing legal realities but also facilitating their implementation, ensuring legal order, and effectively influencing societal relations[11]. Furthermore, legal terms shape the structure and content of the legal system, thereby promoting the effective functioning of the legal system, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, and harmonizing national legislation with international standards. It is worth agreeing with the notion that «precision, clarity, and unequivocality of language in various legal documents are essential for the stability and predictability of the legal system[12].»
A central place in private legal terminology is devoted to the basic understanding of the concept of «legal term,» understood as «a word or phrase that is a generalized name for a specific legal concept used in legislative language, legal interpretation, legal application, legal realization, professional legal language, and legal science.[13]» Moreover, legal terminology reflects the ideological ideas of a paricular legal culture, the connecion of terms with legal mentality, and the specifics of legal understanding of the people[14]. Therefore, legal terms are a key element of the legal system that ensures accuracy, definiteness, and effectiveness of legal regulation. Correct definition and use of legal terms contribute to the stability and predictability of legal relations, protection of rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, as well as the development of legal science and the legal system as a whole.
Today, the state of private legal relations confirms that the development of social relations, new technologies, integration processes, and judicial practice play a crucial role in the formation, development, and standardization of legal terms. Therefore, enriching legal terminology with new terms and rethinking the meaning of existing ones is a contemporary challenge we face.
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In the formation of the categorical apparatus in civil law, judicial practice has always held special significance. Special attention should be paid to the doctrine of «venire contra factum proprium» - the prohibition of contradictory behavior, which is gaining increasing development in Ukrainian judicial practice when deciding on the invalidity of a legal act. As evidenced by the analysis of specific court decisions, in the field of civil law, Ukrainian scholars[15].
Practicing lawyers increasingly refer to the decision of the Supreme Court in the composition of the Unified Chamber of Cassation Civil Court dated April 10, 2019, in case No. 390/34/17. This decision made an important conclusion that the doctrine of venire contra factum proprium (prohibition of contradictory behavior) is based on the Roman maxim «non concedit venire contra factum proprium» (no one can act contrary to their previous behavior)[16]. At the heart of the doctrine of venire contra factum proprium lies one of the fundamental principles of civil law as a whole - the principle of good faith. Based on the interconnection of these principles, misconduct that contradicts good faith and fair business practices should be recognized, essentially not corresponding to previous statements or conduct of the party, provided that the other party, acting to their detriment, reasonably relies on them[17].
In civil law doctrine, the «prohibition of contradictory behavior» forms the basis for constructing another important principle of private law -«estoppel.» Although this category was essentially borrowed from the science of international public law, its essence in private law[18] should be understood as a legal principle that restrains individuals and legal entities from breaching their agreements, thereby allowing conscientious participants in a legal transaction, whose validity is questioned, to retain such a transaction, achieving the desired outcome equivalent to their legitimate expectations[19].
In fact, this is one of the few examples of how judicial practice plays a key role in the formation and expansion of legal terminology, serving as an
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important source for the development of legal concepts and categories. It is quite evident that during the consideration of cases, courts often encounter new legal situations and problems that require precise definition and description of legal phenomena. Judicial decisions, especially those of higher judicial instances concerning the resolution of important issues of civil law, frequently introduce new terms into legal lexicons or clarify the meanings of existing ones, thus becoming part of legal discourse. Judicial decisions contribute to the creation of new legal concepts and terms that become part of the legal system and are used in subsequent court rulings and regulatory acts. Moreover, courts often interpret unclear or contradictory provisions of legislation, leading to the refinement and detailing of legal terms, as well as the development of their content. Therefore, it should be acknowledged that judicial practice contributes to the dynamic development of private legal terminology, ensuring its relevance and responsiveness to contemporary needs in legal applicaion.
Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into legal practice significantly impacts private law as a whole and legal terminology, leading to the emergence of new concepts and refinement of existing terms[20]. Specifically, the integration of AI into legal processes necessitates the development of terms to denote new technological solutions and processes such as «legal algorithms,)) «legal bots,» «automated contract analysis,» «legal decision forecasting,» and others. Moreover, adapting legal terminology to digital technologies promotes more precise formulation of legal norms regulating AI use and influences the development of legal subfields related to information technologies and cybersecurity[21],[22],[23]. As a result, legal language becomes enriched with technical terminology, reflecting changes in legal regulation and application in the context of digital transformation.
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Given Ukraine's legal integration into the European Union (EU), comparative legal studies of specific issues in private law also gain special significance. This integration often requires implementing unfamiliar terms into the Ukrainian legal system. Therefore, the processes of international integration, unification, and harmonization of legal regulation necessitate improving forms of legal expression. For instance, in Ukrainian civil law, a contract is understood as an agreement between two or more parties, whereas in many countries (especially those of the civil law tradition), a contract is perceived as a promise. These differing interpretations of contracts require reconciliation when legal systems interact. Comparative legal research thus involves analyzing terminological systems across two or more languages[24].
In contemporary conditions with increasing legislative activity and the introduction of new legislation, the importance of legal technique becomes even more crucial for ensuring the stability and effectiveness of the legal system. Eurointegration significantly influences the formation and expansion of legal terminology in Ukrainian private law by adapting national legislation to EU standards and acquis communautaire. This process inevitably involves introducing new terms and concepts into national law. For example, terms like «timeshare,» which are prevalent in many EU countries with corresponding legal regulations, are relatively new and not fully understood in Ukrainian civil law today, indicating the need for its legal regulation at the level of Ukrainian private law[25].
Thus, accurate and adequate translation is the key to understanding not only among the subjects of administrative justice but also between states at the international level. Ukraine has signed the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the European Communities and their Member States, which defines the goals of such Partnership, namely: ensuring within the appropriate frameworks a political dialogue between the Parties that will promote the development of close political relations; promoting trade, investment, and harmonious economic relations between the Parties, thus accelerating their sustainable development; creating the basis for mutually beneficial economic,
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social, financial, civil, scientific, technical, and cultural cooperation; supporting Ukraine's efforts to strengthen democracy and develop its economy and complete the transition to a market economy.
As we can see, when translating legal terms in administrative law, it is necessary to consider the specificity of the legal field, the phenomenon of synonymy, and the context in which these terms are used. This approach will preserve the uniqueness of the Ukrainian language and ensure correct understanding by domestic scientists and practicing lawyers of foreign scholars in the outlined field.
Therefore, the role of English administrative legal terminology in modern administrative law of Ukraine lies in the correct and understandable comprehension of legal terminology in Ukrainian administrative law. This is the key to understanding among the subjects of administrative law at both the international and national levels. Moreover, it is important to implement a unified, terminologically precise, and scientifically justified Ukrainian-English dictionary of legal terms from both a legal and linguistic perspective.
In conclusion, the ongoing digital transformation and Ukraine's integration into the EU are pivotal factors shaping and expanding legal terminology in Ukrainian private law. These developments highlight the necessity for continuous adaptation and enhancement of legal language to meet contemporary legal challenges and harmonize with international standards.
Furthermore, harmonization of Ukraine's legislation with the acquis communautaire of the European Union will require not only the introduction of new legal terms but also a review of existing terms to ensure their compatibility with EU law. Moreover, European law encompasses several specific concepts and institutions (such as competition, consumer rights protection, environmental protection, personal data protection, etc.), so the incorporation of these concepts into national legislation will clearly expand legal terminology. Therefore, European integration promotes the dynamic development of legal terminology in Ukrainian private law, ensuring its harmonization with European standards and contributing to overall legal unification.
Reluctantly acknowledged, the war by Russia against Ukraine significantly influences the formation and expansion of legal terminology, particularly in private law. This impact involves not only the emergence of new terms but also the adaptation of existing terms to new realities and the development of legal concepts that correspond to wartime conditions. Currently, Ukrainian legislation has undergone changes aimed at adapting to wartime conditions
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and post-conflict recovery (for example, the development of new legislative acts and corresponding terminology regarding compensation for war damages or the implementation of sanction norms, etc.). In private law, there is active discussion regarding the necessity of legally establishing the term «validation,» which essentially means the legalized «healing» of an invalid legal act or civil status act (adopted by occupying authorities) and the constructive restoration of rights and interests in civil legal relations. In the conditions of wartime and the transitional period, the significance of such a private legal category as «validation» is difficult to overestimate, as it promotes not only effective protection of civil rights and interests of individuals and legal entities but also reinforces the fidelity of the Ukrainian legal system to best global practices for human rights protection (for example, adherence to widely accepted rules in judicial practice applied in Namibian exceptions).
Therefore, legal terminology in private law serves as a fundamental element ensuring the accuracy, definiteness, and effectiveness of legal regulation. Moreover, the development of legal terminology in private law is a dynamic process influenced by judicial practice, technological progress, European integration, and wartime realities. Given these factors, the definition of legal terms not only shapes but also enhances the structure of the legal system, fostering the harmonization of national civil legislation with international standards, protecting the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, and ensuring predictability in private legal relations. ■
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[1] The author is professor (West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine).
[2] The author is associate professor (West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine).