09:30-10:00 Opening Ceremony
9:30-9:40 Mr. János Áder, President of the Republic
9:40-9:50 Mr. László Trócsányi, Minister of Justice
9:50-10:00 Mr. Tamás Sulyok, President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
10:00-10:25 Mr. Koen Lenaerts, President of the Court of Justice of the European Union: EUdentity as a way of promoting national identity
10:25-10:50 Mr. Andreas Voßkuhle, President of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany: Werteorientierung in der EU: Gift oder Lebenselixier?
10:50 Coffee Break
Chair: Mr. Christoph Grabenwarter, Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Austria
11: 15-11:30 Mr. László Trócsányi, Minister of Justice: The gentle touch of identity on the face of integration
11: 30-11:45 Mr. Peter M. Huber, Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany: Art. 2 EUV als Grundlage des Staaten- und Verfassungsverbundes der EU
11: 45-12: 00 Mr. János Martonyi, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs: Law and Identity in the European Integration
12: 00-12: 15 Mrs. Brigitte Bierlein, President of the Constitutional Court of Austria: Verfassungsstaat und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in der Europäischen Union
12: 15-12: 30 Mr. István Stumpf, Justice of the Constitutional Court of Hungary: The importance of constitutional identity in Europa
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