
Summa IV./1 (IAS, 2008/1., 193-200. o.)

Péter Kovács: Rather judgement than opinion? Or can we speak about a third type judical procedure before the international court of justice?

Note under the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice delivered about the "wall" built on Palestinian Territory

On July 9 2004, the International Court of Justice rendered probably one of its most important advisory opinions which will presumably be also among the most controversial ones. In the article, the author tries to highlight the crucial dicta of the ICJ with references to the corresponding paragraphs of the advisory opinion. The commentary does not want to be exhaustive, it would like to put emphasis on top legal arguments related to the case and on general problems of international law as reflected in the opinion, on the other. The top points are the following ones: (1) Does the Court have competence to deliver the opinion? (2) What is the nature of applicable law? (3) What are the legal consequences of the judicial appreciation of the situation? (4) Can this advisory opinion contribute to the peace process? (5) Can the decision of the ICJ be considered as an opinion or is it a quasi judgement disguised in the form of consultative opinion? It should certainly be left to future judgement whether the International Court of Justice took here the politically right decision. In the Near-East, no interstate questions can be answered solely on the basis of international law. Hopefully, this opinion of the International Court of Justice will - on the long term - contribute to the birth of a climate where the contradictory and prima facie inconciliable interests can equally be taken into consideration during the final settlement under the patronage of the United Nations. Does this very special advisory opinion - which was, in fact, a quasi judgement falling upon a State in a lawsuit launched on a very peculiar basis remain an isolated phenomenon or does it mean the opening of a new jurisprudence in the metamorphoses of international law and the United Nations at the Millennium? Although the answer to this question is a matter of the future, nevertheless - according to the author - a few examples can be found in the practice of the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice that the judges in The Hague can rely upon.

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Varga Csaba: Jogtechnika és jogdogmatika

A gyakorlatban végbemenő jogi folyamatok egyfelől a law in books, másfelől a law in action kategóriáival írhatók le, s e két végpont közötti esetleges feszülés részben (intézményi szinten) a jogpolitikai megvalósulás, részben (a jogalkalmazás eszköztára oldaláról szemlélve) a jogtechnika kellő és célszerű kiválasztása és alkalmazása terminusaiban magyarázható. Amint a jogi folyamatok elméleti leírásában a formalizmus és az antiformalizmus klasszikus vitája mutatta, a teoretikus rekonstrukció nyelvi-logikai értelemben kimerítő teljességet és szükség-képpeniséget sohasem mutat. A mindennapi szemléletében egységesnek és egyértelműnek gondolt jog valójában lehetőségek tárháza, amelyek sorából jogilag immár tovább nem specifikálhatóan mindig csak egyes változatok aktualizáltatnak. Az alkotmánybíráskodás változó gyakorlata csupán egyetlen példa arra, hogy a normalitásról alkotott előfeltevések, a mindenkori elgondolhatóság, s mindebben a nyelvi közvetítés eredendő bizonytalansága mennyire tágan határolják körül a jog nevében ténylegesen végbemenő reálfolyamatokat. Jogi kultúráinkban a korlátozás elsőrendű eszköze a jog dogmatikai kiművelése, aminek lehetőségeit viszont - határhelyzetekre tekintettel - a jogba eleve beépített biztonsági szelepként az általános klauzulák s jogelvek gyakorlatának önálló kultúrává épülése erőteljesen behatárolja.

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Miklós Beer - Katalin Botos - József Botos - Alessandro Caprioli - Imre Kozma - István Szabó - János Zlinszky: On the lectures held at the conference on St. Elisabeth of Hungary

St. Elisabeth of Hungary spent most of her short life in Germany. She was born in Sárospatak, Hungary on 7 July 1207. At the age of 4, the daughter of King Andrew II of Hungary (1175-1235) and Gertrude of Andechs-Merania was brought to the court of the Rulers of Thuringia in Central Germany, to become a future bride in order to reinforce political alliances between the families. Elisabeth was married at the age of 14, widowed at 20, relinquished her wealth to the poor, built hospitals, and became a symbol of Christian charity in Germany and elsewhere after her death at the age of 24 in 1231. She was canonized by Pope Gregory IX in 1235.

The year 2007 was proclaimed "Elisabeth Memorial Year" in Hungary. All year, events commemorating Elisabeth's life and works were held, including a conference

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on her and her legacy held at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. The lectures published inh this issue deal with the different aspects of Elisabeth's personality, historical background and the impression she left behind her.

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Lilla Berkes: With one fott in paradise

Refugee policy and its connections with the international and European law

Refugee law is a complex area of the law. It has strong connections with the international and European law so it is necessary to examineing everyall three (universal, regional and territorial) levels of the regulations.

Early in the twentieth century, the refugee problem became the concern of the international community, which, for humanitarian reasons, began to assume responsibility for protecting and assisting refugees. Soon after the Second World War, as the refugee problem had not been solved, the need was felt for a new international instrument to define the legal status of refugees. There was a call for an instrument containing a general definition of who was to be considered a refugee.

Refugee status, on the universal level, is governed by the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. They contain three types of provisions: provisions giving the basic definition of who is a refugee and who, having been a refugee, has ceased to be one; provisions that define the legal status of refugees and their rights and duties in their country of refuge; other provisions dealing with the implementation of the instruments from the administrative and diplomatic standpoint.

There are a number of regional agreements, conventions and other instruments relating to refugees in the European Union. The most important are the Dublin Regulations and the Qualification Directive. With these instruments, the EU took significant steps towards the common policy on asylum.

On the territorial level, the new refugee act of Hungary is taking effect on the 1st of January 2008. It contains regulations relating to the status of refugees, displaced persons and persons eligible for subsidiary protection. In accordance with the Dublin Regulations and the Qualification Directive the procedure will have two parts. The first is the preliminary procedure, when the competence will be examined. In the second part, if the Hungarian authority has competence, the application will be decided. If it's a negative decision, the applicant can appeal to the Metropolitan Court of Hungary, which can change the decision. After a rejected appeal there are two more possibilities to offer the application and if they are unsuccessful the applicant will be expelled.

Extra attribute of the refugee procedure is the absence of the evidences so the applicant's statement plays a significant role. The new act orders using currant country information which is an important evidence to prove or disprove the applicant's statement.

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Other positive direction is the definition of the major, non-political crimes. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate a political crime from a non-political one. The definition helps to solve this problem.

I have to highlight the problems of the new act as well. First of all there is the preliminary procedure when the authority decides without hearing. Considering that in this part will be decided which nation's authority has competence - which means for the asylum seeker leaving Hungary, the destination country and travelling to a country where he or she doesn't want to live because of its culture, language, nationalism etc. - it will be more expedient deciding after a personal hearing.

Another problem is an exclusion clause. The Qualification Directive says that an asylum seeker is excluded from the protection if he or she constitutes a danger to the security of the state. In the implemented version it is not enough to constitute a danger, it has to trespass on the security of the state.

Altogether, the EU is near to reach the common asylum policy. There is a need for a list which contains the safe countries of origin and the system will be complete.

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János Erdődy: "Geschenke, die von den kaisern unter das volk geforfen werden" - zur frage des iactus missilium im römischen recht

Der Erweb des Eigentums über das von Politikern ins Volk geworfene Geld gehörte nicht zu den großen Fragen des römischen Privatrechts: sowohl die primären, als auch die sekundären Quellen erwähnen das Problem des iactus missilium nur am Rande. Von den primären Quellen beschäftigen sich nur drei unmittelbar mit diesem Rechtsinstitut (Pomp. D. 41, 7, 5, 1 [32 ad Sab.]; Gai. D. 41, 1, 9, 7 [2 rer. cott.]; Inst. 2, 1, 47). Ein erstes Problem, das sich bei der Untersuchung der oben zitierten Quellen stellt, besteht darin, dass diese Texte terminologisch höchst uneinheitlich sind: Pomponius schreibt über die Frage des aes sparsio, während der Text von Gaius und die in den Institutionen angeführte Stelle den iactus missilium behandeln. Ferner liegt es auf der Hand, dass der Ausdruck "traditio in incertam personam" in keinem der Texte vorkommt. Auch ist die Begründung des Pomponius als formalistisch und unglaubwürdig zu bezeichnen. Aufgrund der Untersuchung der Texte und der Sekundärliteratur komme ich zu dem Schluss, dass es sich bei dem iactus missilium eher um eine Vergbindung zwischen derelictio und occupatio zu handeln scheint. Um diese Annahme zu belegen, werden der genaue Vorgang des iactus missilium dargelegt. Aus dieser Beschreibung geht hervor, dass der Hinweis auf die incerta persona an den Übergabenwillen anknüpft. Ein Argument, das von Juristen als Beweis herangezogen worden ist, um die von ihnen angenommene Möglichkeit des Eigentumserwerbes zu stützen.

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Kőhalmi László: A börtönbiztonság a terrorizmusfenyegetettség szempontjából Magyarországon

A biztonság kérdése Európában minden más aktuális témánál jobban magára vonja a politika és a közérdeklődés figyelmét. Ez Magyarországon, csakúgy, mint más közép-kelet-európai államban, nem utolsó sorban a kilencvenes évek elején bekövetkezett és az EU korábbi tagállamait is érintő gyors politikai és gazdasági változások következménye.

A magyar büntetőjogban nincs külön törvény a terrorizmus elleni átfogó állami fellépésre, a magyar Büntető Törvénykönyvben (az 1978.évi IV. törvényben) pedig nincs külön fejezet vagy cím a terror bűncselekményekre.

Magyarországon az 1989/90-es demokratikus rendszerváltástól napjainkig többször követtek el terrorcselekményt (15 év alatt 10 alkalommal) a fogvatartottak, és kb. 100 esetben "tervezgették" a terrorcselekmény előkészítését.

A magyar büntetés-végrehajtás terrorcselekményi fenyegetettsége szempontjából a legfontosabb a motivációs háttér felderítése, vagyis az egyes büntetés-végrehajtási intézetekben a terrorcselekményeket kiváltható okok feltérképezése.

A büntetés-végrehajtásban megfigyelhetők paradoxon-jelenségek. Minél jobban erősítik a biztonsági rendszerek technikai feltételeit, vagyis a klasszikus fogolyszökési lehetőségek kockázata minimalizálódik, annál inkább nő a lehetősége, hogy az elítéltek terrorcselekmény elkövetésével próbálnak meg kiszabadulni a börtönből.

A büntetés-végrehajtási intézetek terrorfenyegetettsége miatt egy proaktív koncepciót kell kidolgozni.

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Máté Madarassy-Molnár: Die sexuelle moral und ihre strafrechtliche beurteilung in der antike

Ein größerer Teil der gegen die sexuelle Moral verstoßenden Handlungen oder zumindest der von der heutigen Regulierung betroffenen Verhaltensformen war auch schon im Morgengrauen der Geschichte verboten. Die Sexualität, die Befriedigung der sexuellen Lust sowie deren in irgendeiner Form erfolgende Regulierung ist genau so alt wie die Menschheit, wir kennen keine Gesellschaft und im Zusammenhang damit keine Gewohnheitsordnung, sei sie nun sakraler oder weltlicher Herkunft, die eine akzeptierte und wünschenswerte Ordnung für sexuelle Kontakte nicht in irgendeiner Form festgelegt hat. Im Mittelpunkt der strafrechtlichen Praxis der östlichen Gesellschaften des Altertums stand das Verbot von Ehebruch und Inzucht, mit Ausnahme des alten persischen Rechts wurde dies überall am strengsten betraft. Die Beurteilung der anderen obszönen Handlungen hing von der eigenen rechtlichen Beurteilung der Staaten in der Region ab. In fast allen Gesellschaften gab es die

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Institution der sakralen Prostitution, neben welcher später nach und nach deren weltliche, profane Version in Erscheinung trat.

Bei den Griechen war das das Sexualleben betreffende Denken sowie dessen gemeinschaftliche Regulierung beziehungsweise die strafrechtliche Beurteilung von gegen die sexuelle Moral verstoßenden Handlungen in vielerlei Hinsicht viel milder als bei den antiken östlichen Völkern. Die Griechen beurteilten auch die Homosexualität relativ tolerant und wenn sie die Beziehung gleichgeschlechtlicher auch unter Verbot stellten, taten sie dies nur zum Schutz der Familie, bekannt waren somit die intellektuelle, die wirtschaftliche und die einführende Homosexualität sowie die homosexuelle Prostitution.

Die römische Regulierung zeigt je Epoche große Unterschiede, während die religiös-moralisch begründete Praxis der archaischen Zeit grundlegend den anderen antiken Regulierungen ähnelte, griff die in den ersten Jahrhunderten zu verzeichnende moralische Verkommenheit auch die strafrechtlichen Grundlagen an, nahm gewisse Handlungen unter den unter Verbot stehenden Verhaltensweisen heraus, während sie die Bestrafung der übrigen linderte, dann mit der Verbreitung des Christentums können wir bereits in vielen Fällen die Prämissen der mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Regulierung antreffen.

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Zsófia Papp: Differences between the articles of the European Union second and third anti-money laundering directives

The anticipated amendments of the Hungarian Anti-Money Laundering Act

The EU third anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing directive (the 2005/60/EC directive is referred to as the "EU third anti-money laundering directive" in the essay) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 24th November 2005 and entered into force on the 20th day following its publication. EU Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this directive by 15th December 2007 at the latest. The new directive replaced the EU first and second anti-money laundering directives (the amended directive is referred to as the "EU second anti-money laundering directive" in the essay) and its main objective to insert the provisions of the FATF 40+9 Recommendations into the Community law.

The Hungarian AML Act is in full compliance with the requirements of the EU second anti-money laundering directive. Accordingly, the implementation of the EU third anti-money laundering directive can be achieved by the comprehensive amendment of the Hungarian AML Act and the provisions of the Act has to be reviewed and modified on the basis of the differences of the EU directives. This essay analyzes the most important differences concerning the following field, referring also to the necessary amendment of the Hungarian AML Act: extension of the scope of the directive to combating terrorist financing; applicability of the AML obligations

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(extension of the personal scope of the directive); risk based approach; customer due diligence measures; simplified customer due diligence; enhanced customer due diligence; beneficial owner; politically exposed person (PEP); performance by third parties; exceptions from the prohibition of disclosure.

The forthcoming amendment of the AML Act on the basis of the EU third antimoney laundering directive and the insert of the analyzed most important provisions into the Hungarian law will contribute to the effectiveness of the Hungarian antimoney laundering and combating terrorist financing regime to a great extent.■



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